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A work in progress

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Senti Files #1

You promised me tonight that you will never leave me,
You promised that you will always be by my side and
will never let me go.
But just like the others, I know you will leave me too,
Someday you will, no matter how hard I try to hold on.

A greater power will snatch you away from my arms,
I will not have any choice but to let go.
You are not mine to keep and will never be.

I do not know how life will be when that happens,
I have to prepare and be ready.
Just like the others, I know someday you will have to leave.
But unlike them, I know you will keep a promise -
you will always be watching over me.

Posted by nikki:: 6/27/2006 12:09:00 AM
