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A work in progress

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Back from the land of black gold

It's back to the real world for me. The flight back yesterday was so bumpy because of the weather and until now, I haven't recovered from it yet. We left Miri yesterday morning amidst dark clouds (a first since we arrived there), arrived in Kota Kinabalu in pouring rain and was welcomed home with a drizzle. I had fun in Miri. The place was a refreshing change from the pollution and traffic of Manila. If only I can stay longer.

The first thing I did after the kwentuhan with my family was go online. I missed the internet!!! I have 135 emails in my inbox. I just went through it quickly, read the most important ones but wasn't able to reply to any because by then my head was throbbing. But I promise to reply to everyone as soon as I can.

To everyone who wished me well... JO, ATE ANN, MAM KIWIPINAY, KNEEKO, KAREN (miss you!), KA URO and all those who left messages ... AHIA KENJI, ELLE and PATRICE (will email you later friend) thank you very much.

More kwentos later...

Posted by nikki:: 8/01/2006 01:56:00 AM
